Jun 14, 2016

Sitecore Publishing

Sitecore uses three databases.  Core, Master, and Web.

The Core is mainly to store the entire system's information.

The Master hosts all versions of all content, templates, layouts, etc.  Everytime you save, you are saving to the Master.  If you never publish, then the site visitor will never see the latest change.

The Web host all of the published content, templates, media, layouts, etc. This is ultimately what the site visitors will see through the eyes of the website.

There are several publishing techniques within Sitecore.

Smart Publish:  Sitecore allows this feature to lessen the time of the publish by looking only for the items that have changed.  For example, anything that is different from the Master DB and the Web DB.  

Republish: Publishes everything at that level

Publish Subitems:  If the selected item is a parent to any content, then the children will get published as well.

Publish Related Items: If the selected item has other like dependencies, then those items would be published as well.

If you have multiple languages on your site, Sitecore handles that appropriately with the Publishing languages section.

Finally the Publishing targets section allows you to publish to the desired web DB.  If you only have one web DB, then only one shows.  If you have a web farm, then more items will be available here.

I hope you have found this helpful.


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